Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year!

Wow, I can't believe 2009 is hear already! It feels like just yesterday I was a struggling ya I guess I had struggles every year! Anyway as the new year was brought in I just couldn't help but remember the many hard hours of study (or the lack thereof...)! The many times I would be sitting in class waiting for school to end and all of the sudden I would hear a beep. ( or whatever other sound you can use to describe the bell) Over the intercom I could here Betty (the office lady) saying, "attention, will all students report to the little gym?" Then in a mad rush the entire school would run...or speedily walk to the little gym for a pep rally! It was so exciting! If it was a year my schedule allowed band then I was in a corner playing songs to get everyone pumped. However, if it was a year that didn't allow for band, my friends and I would arrive to the sound of the band playing, cheerleaders getting ready to cheer, and rustling teenagers! Anyway after we would get there the freshman cheerleaders would start yelling out the year in which they graduate, then there fellow classmates would follow. After they were done the sophmore's would scream out their year of graduation and so on. For instance, when I was a freshman it would go like this; We would yell (to the top of our lungs) 09, 09, 0________9, then sophmore, 08, 08, 0________8, juniors, 07,07, 0________7, seniors, 06, 06, 0________6!
Wow it felt like my year would never come! However, it's here and as I said before, as the new year was being brought in I just couldn't help but remember all the those memories...and then realize that before long they'll be just that, memories.
-Go Class Of 2009-