Friday, January 16, 2009

Pondering God...

Wow, I have just been thinking of some incredible things involving God! One of which being the fact that he chooses us to be his dwelling place!!! Wow, I've known this, but I guess the reality of it has been hitting me so hard. It's so incredible to think that God himself chooses us! We say "make us a vessel," and "our body is a temple," but to think of what that actually means... wow what a thought! I guess all the more this is making me want to do my best in making his "dwelling place" a good one. I truely want others to see Jesus when they look at me!

~ 1 Corinthians 6:19
Do you not know that your body is the temple (the very sanctuary) of the Holy Spirit Who lives within you, Whom you have received [as a Gift] from God? You are not your own,
Amplified Bible


Liz and David said...

very true! how we look, what we put into our "temples" (food, drink, drugs, etc.), what we say, what we do... and so on.. are all important. Is God's dwelling place in good shape and does it reflect Him?

Your post got me thinking and I thought I'd add what starting going through my mind after I read your post.

ps- missed seeing you all in church today!

Jenna Dewhurst said...

thanks! long story about the morning service, but I was with my sisters in Watertown in the evening. :)
many kisses to the babies!!!